“Encanto” won the Oscar for Best Animated Film. “BoxBallet” was left without an Academy Award
Encanto won the Oscar for Best Animated Film. The story about the Madrigal family competed with the cartoons “Luka”, “Raya and the Last Dragon”, “Mitchells vs. Machines” and “Escape”. The Academy Awards were held in Los Angeles.
The Russian “BoxBallet” was left without an Academy Award “Oscar” in the category “Best Animated Short Film”, it was received by the Spanish director Alberto Mielgo’s “Wiper”.
In the Best Short Film nomination, in addition to Anton Dyakov’s Box Ballet, Beast by Hugo Covarrubias, Works of Art by Joanna Quinn and Robin by Dan Ojari and Michael Pliz were also presented. categories, including Animated Short Film, were announced ahead of its official launch.
For the first time in the history of Oscar television broadcasts, the winners of the awards in eight categories, including Short Animated Film, were announced before the official start.