The animated adventure ‘Three Heroes and the Navel of the Earth’ earned 1 billion rubles at the box office
An animated adventure ‘Three Heroes and the Navel of the Earth’ earned 1 billion rubles at the box office. This is the first time in the history of Russian film distribution when a domestic animated film reaches the billion-rubles milestone.
‘Reaching a billion in fees is an important milestone for Russian animation. We are proud that this historical milestone has been taken by the Volga film distribution company, – notes Sergey Ershov. – It is symbolic that the record was achieved in the anniversary year of the franchise about the ‘Heroes’ – 20 years. And if we talk about the formula for success, the main thing is that we managed to find the key to the unlimited potential of the CTB film company. I believe that this is a new, but not the ultimate result for our cooperation.’
‘Three Heroes’ is the largest franchise of animated features in Russia.