Посты с тэгом: Boo the Cat

Boo The Cat has been invited at Seoul Guro Kids Film Festival!

Опубликовано: 24.01.2019 в 12:20


Категории: News

Тэги: ,,,,

«Boo the Cat and the Good Boy» animated series has been invited at Seoul Guro Kids Film Festival — the unique festival that shows films for children in Korea.


«Boo the Cat and the Good Boy» animated series has been invited at Seoul Guro Kids Film Festival. This unique for animated films will take place in Seoul, on 9th of March. The main objective of the Seoul Guro Kids Film Festival is to present the best of contemporary and classic film for children, youth and families. It aims to feature the most outstanding children’s films produced in every part of the world. Festival also promotes contacts between industry professionals and educators to assist in developing the role cinema plays in the education and enrichment of young people. You can read about the success of «Boo the Cat and the Good Boy» animated series in our previous article.

Children’s video service Moolt was launched on the territory of South and North America

Опубликовано: 08.04.2018 в 15:44


Категории: News

Тэги: ,,,,,,

Parovoz Studio’s animated series that Russia, Europe, and Asia have fallen in love with will become available for American children now with Moolt app.

Dmitriy Mednikov, Deputy Director General of VGTRK, announced the launch of childrens video service Moolt on the territory of South and North America on 3 April. Moolt video service is an adapted in English and Spanish version of  Russian «Мульт» app that was released two years ago. According to data of Digital Television, Russian users uploaded it approximately 5 millions times through App Store and Google Play. Moolt is also available for uploading on these sources now.

Moolt app content

So far there are 30 hours of animated content including animated series of Parovoz Studio on new video service. Choice of content will be widening since localisation of content is being done almost simultaneously with its production. Digital Television and 0+ Media are concerned with Moolts promotion. Moolt will also be promoted through localised mobile games created on the basis of our cartoons by Moolt Interactive publishing house.

Its interesting that Moolt is the first and only Russian video service abroad not for Russian but for local audience.

Alexander Prazdnikov, International Business Development Head, ivi.ru, reminds that ivi service was launched in the CIS area in 2015, and in 2017, it has become available for users in 180 countries including the USA, Israel, Canada, and Europe. According to him, potential foreign audience is 10-30 millions of Russian-speaking users, because ivi offers films and series of domestic production for viewers abroad.

App market in USA

North American media market is characterised not only by tough competitiveness but by high capacity to pay as well. The audience got used to pay for content here. As to Southern American market, it is one of the fastest-growing markets. Childrens content is quite universal and often doesnt require any specific adaptation except translation. Success of our animated series abroad proves it.