The game Leo and Tig: Forest Adventures developed by Interactive Moolt publishing house on the basis of the homonymous animated series of Parovoz studio confidently gains popularity and takes its well-deserved top positions not only in Russia but in the USA as well!
The game was officially released on 14 November 2018, and now, the app is already flaunting in Essentials of App Store in the United States having left behind many top-grossing apps.
The story of the game Leo and Tig: Forest Adventures is about adventures of brave friends who were led by the spirit of taiga to the heart of the forest. A player will be offered many fascinating quests, extraordinary discoveries and challenging riddles from real spirits of taiga.
The game is based on the animated series of Parovoz studio and available for downloading both for IOS and Android users.
Download for iOS / for Android
Interactive Moolt is the biggest publisher of educative and development-boosting mobile apps for children and VR apps in Eastern Europe. Being excellent learning tools with no language and cultural barriers, those apps are very popular.
The animated show Leo and Tig was premiered on Moolt and Tlum HD channels in October 2016. The cartoon has become one of the main hits of the year on Youtube. In August 2018, the show was acquired by Netflix platform. The transaction was carried out by Signal Media company.